

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”. When I look back over the past 7 yrs. I can see how each step of my journey has played out to where I am today with Aunua.  In 2017 I took a leap of faith and started Aunua as a personal development program initially for women, after a successful start I was stopped in my tracks when I witnessed the lack of support and services that were available for children and so my inspiration for my change of direction was inspired by a young boy that was struggling with his mental health at the age of 11 yrs. old, his mothers, my friends pain became my compelling mission to create a program to help children discover their ROAR and so this new approach evolved to something I never imagined possible. One thing I had to learn quicky was in order to give children a voice, I had to be willing to us my own and so Aunua was born. 

I’ve always been entrepreneurial; my background has been sales and marketing which led me into running my own property management business back in 2014 until I took a career break. I’m inspired by innovative solutions to problems and I always look to connect the dots and form the connections as this is possible what I do best. 


Karina Murray, founded and successfully launched Aunua back in 2017 in Ireland initially as a personal development program for women until her direction changed in 2018 as she compelled to help give a voice to children and young people. Here are some of the milestones that were accomplished https://aunuaenterprise.eu/milestones/ 

Aunua, in its current form and focus, started back in 2019 when the worlds of 2 exceptional women collided during a call to action in the days of Covid Lock-down. They forged a deep-rooted connection in their shared desire to positively impact the world by addressing the challenges and inequity that faced so many vulnerable people around the world. This led to a shared commitment and a partnership that led to the development of projects tackling a range of issues from access to education, environmental degradation, and economic inequality. They have continued to work tirelessly to further the cause, and leave a positive lasting impact for people, and the planet.  They are now are delighted to launch Aunua Enterprise as an entire ecosystem that can drive significant change that bridges the gap between corporates and meaningful impact. Through this offer they have extended their quest to work with those who are ethically aligned to join them. They know that it takes a community to raise a child and inspired by the many young people that they have been privileged to work with, they are building a community of impact-aligned partners, so that together we can create the ripple of difference we need to see right now.  

Let’s, make the difference together!

Speak to one of our Corporate Companions today!

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Karina Murray

Noleen Mariappen

Tammy Vallieres

Danielle Serpico

Suzanne Flood